Day 1 Certainty® and AIM

Achieve Day 1 Certainty® and AIM eligibility through Argyle income and employment verifications.


Argyle's income and employment verification reports provide lenders an automated way to achieve:

Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to enable Argyle's Day 1 Certainty and AIM functionality.

  1. Borrowers connect their payroll accounts through Argyle.
  2. Argyle generates verification reports from the borrowers' payroll data.
  3. Lenders submit the reference number listed on Argyle's verification reports to Fannie Mae's DU validation service and/or Freddie Mac's Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM℠) along with the loan casefiles.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will automatically receive a copy of Argyle's verification reports and the underlying income and employment data. After the information is validated, Day 1 Certainty and AIM eligibility will be delivered for eligible loans.


Generating verification reports#

  1. After a borrower has connected their payroll account(s), go to the Connections section of Console.
  2. Select the individual borrower from the Connections table.
  3. Generate a verification report — the borrower's social security number (SSN) is required but will already be auto-populated.

To determine Day 1 Certainty eligibility for Verification of Employment reports, a Verification of Income & Employment report must have previously been generated.

Locating reference numbers#

A Reference # will be listed at the top of Argyle's verification report that can be submitted to Fannie Mae for Day 1 Certainty® and Freddie Mac for AIM eligibility determinations.



Argyle provides the following webhook that will notify you when a borrower's payroll account(s) have been connected, their data has been fully retrieved, and an Argyle verification report can be generated from the available data:

You can subscribe to this webhook via Console, or via the API by sending a POST request to In the API request body, include a JSON object in the following format:

2    "events": ["users.fully_synced"],
3    "name": "My webhook",
4    "url": "",
5    "secret": "<secret for signature verification>"     // Optional.

The users.fully_synced webhook's payload provides a list of the borrower's connected accounts that have fully synced (data retrieval has completed). You can track which accounts a borrower has connected by using the onAccountConnected Link callback and match them to the accounts listed in the users.fully_synced webhook.

2  "event": "users.fully_synced",
3  "name": "name-for-the-webhook-subscription",
4  "data": {
5    "user": "018051aa-f7a9-a0db-2f38-6cfa325e9d69",
6    "resource": {
7      "id": "018051aa-f7a9-a0db-2f38-6cfa325e9d69",
8      "accounts_connected": [
9        "0185a8b8-60eb-80ca-7482-5f24504573f7",
10        "0187c66e-e7e5-811c-b006-2232f00f426a"
11      ],
12      "items_connected": [
13        "item_000000001",
14        "item_000000002"
15      ],
16      "employers_connected": [
17        "Whole Goods",
18        "Bullseye"
19      ],
20      "external_metadata": {},
21      "external_id": "July_Connection",
22      "created_at": "2023-04-27T07:02:01.279Z"
23    }
24  }

Requesting verification reports#


To determine Day 1 Certainty eligibility for Verification of Employment reports, a Verification of Income & Employment report must have previously been generated.

Send a POST request to the reports endpoint

In the API request body, include a JSON object in the format below:

2    "user": "018b8255-4ab1-be4b-aa2c-e9ff41d75809",   // ID of the user
3    "type": "voie-mortgage",
4    "inputs": {
5        "ssn": "522-09-1191"  // retrievable through the Identities endpoint
6    }

The initial API response will include the id of the report. After the report is generated, this id can be used to retrieve the report and is also the Reference # that can be submitted to Fannie Mae and/or Freddie Mac.

2    "id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36",   // ID of the report
3    "reference_id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36",
4    "generated_at": null,
5    "type": "voie-mortgage",
6    "user": "018b8255-4ab1-be4b-aa2c-e9ff41d75809",
7    "status": "generating",
8    "file_url": null,
9    "metadata": {}

Retrieving reference numbers#

Send a GET request to the reports endpoint —{id}

Include the id of the report as the path parameter.

The report object returned in the API response will contain:

  • An id field with the Reference # that can be submitted to both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
  • A metadata object containing the eligible accounts (as determined by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's guidelines) that were included in the report.
2    "id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36",         // Reference number
3    "reference_id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36",
4    "generated_at": "2024-01-23T20:46:03.254513Z",
5    "type": "voie-mortgage",
6    "user": "018b8255-4ab1-be4b-aa2c-e9ff41d75809",
7    "status": "generated",
8    "file_url": "",
9    "last_synced_at": "2024-01-22T16:44:25.889Z",
10    "accounts": [
11        {
12            "id": "023c211a-b4f9-2df5-f015-4aa8bd52a748",
13            "item": "item_000000001",
14            "last_synced_at": "2024-01-22T16:44:25.889Z"
15        }
16    ],
17    "metadata": {
18        "d1c_report": {
19            "id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36", // Reference number
20            "ssn": "522-09-1191",
21            "accounts": [
22                "023c211a-b4f9-2df5-f015-4aa8bd52a748"    // D1C eligible account
23            ]
24        },
25        "aim_report": {
26            "id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36", // Reference number
27            "ssn": "522-09-1191",
28            "accounts": [
29                "023c211a-b4f9-2df5-f015-4aa8bd52a748"    // AIM eligible account
30            ]
31        }
32    },
33    "external_id": null

If the loan is not eligible for Day 1 Certainty and/or AIM, a data_incomplete error will be shown in the metadata object in the respective area:

1"metadata": {
2    "d1c_report": {
3        "error": "data_incomplete",
4        "ssn": "522-09-1191"
5    },
6    "aim_report": {
7        "id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36",
8        "ssn": "522-09-1191",
9        "accounts": [
10            "023c211a-b4f9-2df5-f015-4aa8bd52a748"
11        ]
12    }

If the report is still in the process of being generated, a processing error will be shown in the metadata object:

1"metadata": {
2    "d1c_report": {
3        "error": "processing",
4        "ssn": "522-09-1191"
5    },
6    "aim_report": {
7        "error": "processing",
8        "ssn": "522-09-1191"
9    }

If you are retrieving a report's contents in JSON format via the API, the report_id field will list the Reference # number:

2    "type": "voie-mortgage",
3    "report_id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36", // Reference number
4    "user_id": "018051aa-f7a9-a0db-2f38-6cfa325e9d69",
5    "external_id": null,
6    "generated_at": "2024-03-15T18:44:53.830Z",
7    "last_synced_at": "2024-03-15T18:44:47.295Z",
8    "d1c_id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36",    
9    "metadata": {
10        "d1c_report": {
11            "id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36",
12            "ssn": "522-09-1191",
13            "accounts": [
14                "018728a3-afee-5288-8e8a-c68ceb591359"
15            ]
16        },
17        "aim_report": {
18            "id": "e0dbf946-a400-419c-946f-0adc7b5fbe36",
19            "ssn": "522-09-1191",
20            "accounts": [
21                "018728a3-afee-5288-8e8a-c68ceb591359"
22            ]
23        }
24    },
25    "accounts": [
26        {
27            "account": "018728a3-afee-5288-8e8a-c68ceb591359",
28            "source": "Worknight",
29            "first_name": "Bob",
30            "last_name": "Jones",
31            "full_name": "Bob Jones",
32            "birth_date": "1980-10-10",
33            "ssn": "522-09-1191",
34            "phone_number": "+18009000010",
35            "email": "[email protected]",
36            "employer": "Whole Goods",
37            "employee_address": {
38                "city": "New York",
39                "country": "US",
40                "state": "NY",
41                "postal_code": "10014",
42                "line1": "342 Fence Rd",
43                "line2": null
44            },
45            "employer_address": {
46                "city": "New York",
47                "country": "US",
48                "state": "NY",
49                "postal_code": "10014",
50                "line1": "852 North W St",
51                "line2": null
52            },
53            "status": "active",
54            "employment_type": "full-time",
55            "job_title": "Store Manager",
56            "original_hire_date": "2020-08-28",
57            "start_date": "2020-08-28",
58            "end_date": null,
59            "last_pay_period_end_date": "2024-03-11",
60            "last_paystub_date": "2024-03-14",
61            "base_pay": {
62                "amount": "75372.62",
63                "currency": "USD",
64                "period": "annual"
65            },
66            "pay_cycle": "monthly",
67            "income": [
68                {
69                    "period": "2024",
70                    "currency": "USD",
71                    "employer": "Whole Goods",
72                    "gross_pay": {
73                        "total": 18260.04,
74                        "base": 18260.04,
75                        "overtime": 0,
76                        "commission": 0,
77                        "bonus": 0,
78                        "other": 0
79                    }
80                },
81                {
82                    "period": "2023",
83                    "currency": "USD",
84                    "employer": "Whole Goods",
85                    "gross_pay": {
86                        "total": 81774.26,
87                        "base": 79126.84,
88                        "overtime": 0,
89                        "commission": 1946.16,
90                        "bonus": 701.26,
91                        "other": 0
92                    }
93                },
94                {
95                    "period": "2022",
96                    "currency": "USD",
97                    "employer": "Whole Goods",
98                    "gross_pay": {
99                        "total": 85293.56,
100                        "base": 79126.84,
101                        "overtime": 4360.2,
102                        "commission": 459.43,
103                        "bonus": 1347.09,
104                        "other": 0
105                    }
106                }
107            ]
108        }
109    ],
110    "income_totals": [
111        {
112            "period": "2024",
113            "period_total": {
114                "currency": "USD",
115                "gross_pay": {
116                    "total": 18260.04,
117                    "base": 18260.04,
118                    "overtime": 0,
119                    "commission": 0,
120                    "bonus": 0,
121                    "other": 0
122                }
123            }
124        },
125        {
126            "period": "2023",
127            "period_total": {
128                "currency": "USD",
129                "gross_pay": {
130                    "total": 81774.26,
131                    "base": 79126.84,
132                    "overtime": 0,
133                    "commission": 1946.16,
134                    "bonus": 701.26,
135                    "other": 0
136                }
137            }
138        },
139        {
140            "period": "2022",
141            "period_total": {
142                "currency": "USD",
143                "gross_pay": {
144                    "total": 85293.56,
145                    "base": 79126.84,
146                    "overtime": 4360.2,
147                    "commission": 459.43,
148                    "bonus": 1347.09,
149                    "other": 0
150                }
151            }
152        }
153    ]


Visit the Day 1 Certainty® and AIM section of our Encompass Guide for more information on submitting reference numbers through the Encompass® by ICE Mortgage Technology® platform.


Visit the Day 1 Certainty® and AIM section of our Empower Guide for more information on submitting reference numbers through the Empower® LOS platform.

Reference numbers can be submitted for Day 1 Certainty® through the MeridianLink® LOS platform.

  1. Copy a Reference # from an Argyle verification report.
  2. Within the MeridianLink® LOS:
    1. Open the Services dropdown in the left sidebar and select Submit to DO / DU.
    2. In the DU Validation section:
      1. Select Argyle as the 3rd Party Data Provider Name.
      2. Insert the Reference # from Argyle's report into the Reference Number field.
    3. Submit the loan to Fannie Mae's DU® validation service.


  1. Select Income Asset Verification from the Loan Application dropdown.
  2. Select Income as the Type.
  3. Select Argyle as the Contact.
  4. Copy a Reference # from an Argyle verification report..
  5. Paste the Reference # as the Identifier.
  6. Submit the loan file for AUS as normal.


BytePro's Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac LPA interfaces let you reissue verifications via Verification Services.

  1. Select Interfaces > Fannie Mae or Interfaces > Freddie Mac
  2. Select either:
    • DO or DU XIS for Fannie Mae
    • LPA System-to-System for Freddie Mac
  3. Proceed to Verification Services.
  4. On the Edit Service Order screen:
    • Select your Vendor Type
      • Use Other + Argyle for Fannie Mae
      • Use Other + ARGL for Freddie Mac
    • Select your Verification Type
      • Select Income
    • Input the Reference Number
      • Include the borrower's Social Security Number before Argyle's Reference Number
      • Use a colon : separator:
        • For example: 1112224444:018d226-945d-64c6-1a0e-c10ab893707e
      • Values are case-sensitive and may include non-alphanumeric characters such as hyphens
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