Reports Webhooks
Sent when reports can be or have been generated.
The reports.ready
webhook is sent when a verification report can be generated once sufficient data has been retrieved from a connected payroll account.
The reports.ready
webhook is also sent after an account reconnection once all new data has been retrieved.
This webhooks is sent multiple times if the user connects multiple accounts. Each account is treated independently.
- The accounts.connected and accounts.failed webhooks can be used to track multiple account connections.
- Compare them to the accounts listed in the
webhook payload to determine when to generate a report.
- #eventsarray of stringsrequired
- #namestringrequired
Your name for the webhook subscription.
- #urlstringrequired
Where you want to receive webhook delivery. This can be either a backend URL that you manage, or a URL provided by a webhook management service.
- #secretstringoptional
Optional secret used to verify webhooks.
1curl --request POST \
2 --url \
3 --header 'accept: application/json' \
4 --header 'content-type: application/json' \
5 --data '{
6 "events": ["reports.ready"],
7 "name": "name-for-the-webhook-subscription",
8 "url": "",
9 "secret": "optional-secret"
10 }'
2 "event": "reports.ready",
3 "name": "name-for-the-webhook-subscription",
4 "data": {
5 "user": "018051aa-f7a9-a0db-2f38-6cfa325e9d69",
6 "accounts": [
7 {
8 "id": "0185a8b8-60eb-80ca-7482-5f24504573f7",
9 "last_synced_at": "2024-01-08T12:55:04.016059Z"
10 },
11 {
12 "id": "0187c66e-e7e5-811c-b006-2232f00f426a",
13 "last_synced_at": "2024-01-08T12:58:06.023659Z"
14 }
15 ]
16 }
The reports.generated
webhook is sent when a report has been successfully generated and can be retrieved.
- #eventsarray of stringsrequired
- #namestringrequired
Your name for the webhook subscription.
- #urlstringrequired
Where you want to receive webhook delivery. This can be either a backend URL that you manage, or a URL provided by a webhook management service.
- #secretstringoptional
Optional secret used to verify webhooks.
1curl --request POST \
2 --url \
3 --header 'accept: application/json' \
4 --header 'content-type: application/json' \
5 --data '{
6 "events": ["reports.generated"],
7 "name": "name-for-the-webhook-subscription",
8 "url": "",
9 "secret": "optional-secret"
10 }'
2 "event": "reports.generated",
3 "name": "name-for-the-webhook-subscription",
4 "data": {
5 "user": "018051aa-f7a9-a0db-2f38-6cfa325e9d69",
6 "type": "voie",
7 "report_id": "43a2c6c3-1e63-91e5-88e3-f9ab2dcc489b"
8 }