Payroll Documents
Retrieve metadata and PDF's of paystubs, tax forms, and other payroll documents.
#The payroll document object
Additional scanned information from 1099 and W-2 documents retrieved from connected payroll accounts is returned in the payroll document object.
- For scanned paystub information, use the Paystubs API endpoint.
- For uploaded document information, use the User Uploads API endpoint.
- #idstring (uuid)
Unique ID of the payroll document object.
Also the
ID value of the paystub object. - #accountstring (uuid)ID of the account where the payroll document was sourced.
- #document_numberstring (uuid)
Identification number that appears on the payroll document.
- #available_datestring (datetime)
Timestamp (ISO 8601) when the payroll document was made available to the user on the underlying payroll system.
- #expiration_datestring (datetime)
Timestamp (ISO 8601) when payroll document (such as a driver's license) expires.
- #employerstringEmployer name.
- #employmentstring
Employment ID. Can be used as a filter when listing payroll documents.
- #document_typestring (enum)
The type of payroll document, as returned by the payroll system.
- #document_type_descriptionstringDescription of the payroll document type.
- #file_urlstring
URL linking to the original payroll document file.
This static URL redirects to a download page that requires Argyle authentication headers. See the dropdown below for more information.
- #created_atstring (datetime)
Timestamp (ISO 8601) when the payroll document object was created.
- #updated_atstring (datetime)
Timestamp (ISO 8601) when a property value of the payroll document object most recently changed.
- #ocr_dataobject
Argyle scans and provides additional information for 1099 and W-2 documents retrieved from connected payroll accounts.
- #—Properties specific to a particular form_type.
- #form_typestring (enum)
The specific type of 1099 or W-2 document.
- #omb_nostringOMB reference number.
- #yearstringCalendar year.
- #formobjectInformation scanned from the payroll document.
- #recipientobject
- #namestringRecipient name, as it appears on the form.
- #addressobject
Recipient address, as it appears on the form.
- #recipient_tinstring
Recipient's tax identification number.
Not present in 1099-SSA forms.
- #payerobject
- #namestringPayer name, as it appears on the form.
- #addressobject
Payer address, as it appears on the form.
- #payer_tinstring
Payer's tax identification number.
Not present in 1099-SSA forms.
- #warningsarray of objectsInformation on scan quality and missing fields.
- #confidencestring (enum)
Indicator of how successful the scanning process went.
- #ocr_page_countintegerNumber of pages scanned.
- #errorstring (enum)optional
An error was encountered during document retrieval.
- #metadataobjectAdditional, non-categorized information.
2 "id": "0176dc14-bb37-402a-7be1-f5261759fae7",
3 "account": "0187c66e-e7e5-811c-b006-2232f00f426a",
4 "document_number": "ced46eb3-7586-3cd7-2418-8eb9482bc3ec",
5 "available_date": "2021-03-14T17:46:25Z",
6 "expiration_date": null,
7 "employer": "GigAndGo",
8 "employment": "42d6531c-520a-26b9-35c3-b7137a6d205a",
9 "document_type": "1099",
10 "document_type_description": "1099 Form 2020",
11 "file_url": "{id}/file",
12 "created_at": "2023-03-13T17:46:28.240Z",
13 "updated_at": "2023-03-13T17:46:28.240Z",
14 "ocr_data": {
15 "form_type": "1099-MISC",
16 "omb_no": "1545-0115",
17 "year": "2020",
18 "form": {
19 "recipient": {
20 "name": "BOB JONES",
21 "address": {
22 "city": null,
23 "country": null,
24 "line1": "759 VICTORIA PLAZA",
25 "line2": null,
26 "postal_code": "10014",
27 "state": "NY"
28 }
29 },
30 "recipient_tin": "111-11-1112",
31 "payer": {
33 "address": {
34 "city": "SEATTLE",
35 "country": null,
36 "line1": "202 WESTLAKE AVE N (55",
37 "line2": null,
38 "postal_code": "98109",
39 "state": "WA"
40 }
41 },
42 "payer_tin": "11-1111112",
43 "account_no": "000110CHIC/NHO",
44 "rent_1": null,
45 "royalties_2": null,
46 "other_inc_3": null,
47 "fed_inc_4": null,
48 "fishing_5": null,
49 "med_care_6": null,
50 "comp_7": null,
51 "crop_insurance_10": null,
52 "golden_parachute_13": null,
53 "gross_attorney_14": null,
54 "sec_409a_defer_15a": null,
55 "sec_409a_inc_15b": null,
56 "state_tax_16": null,
57 "state_no_17": null,
58 "state_inc": null
59 },
60 "warnings": [
61 {
62 "field_name": "rent_1",
63 "message": "rent_1 value empty/bad format",
64 "severity": 0
65 },
66 {
67 "field_name": "royalties_2",
68 "message": "royalties_2 value empty/bad format",
69 "severity": 0
70 },
71 {
72 "field_name": "other_inc_3",
73 "message": "other_inc_3 value empty/bad format",
74 "severity": 0
75 },
76 {
77 "field_name": "fed_inc_4",
78 "message": "fed_inc_4 value empty/bad format",
79 "severity": 0
80 },
81 {
82 "field_name": "fishing_5",
83 "message": "fishing_5 value empty/bad format",
84 "severity": 0
85 },
86 {
87 "field_name": "med_care_6",
88 "message": "med_care_6 value empty/bad format",
89 "severity": 0
90 },
91 {
92 "field_name": "comp_7",
93 "message": "comp_7 not found",
94 "severity": 0
95 },
96 {
97 "field_name": "crop_insurance_10",
98 "message": "crop_insurance_10 value empty/bad format",
99 "severity": 0
100 },
101 {
102 "field_name": "golden_parachute_13",
103 "message": "golden_parachute_13 value empty/bad format",
104 "severity": 0
105 },
106 {
107 "field_name": "gross_attorney_14",
108 "message": "gross_attorney_14 value empty/bad format",
109 "severity": 0
110 },
111 {
112 "field_name": "sec_409a_defer_15a",
113 "message": "sec_409a_defer_15a value empty/bad format",
114 "severity": 0
115 },
116 {
117 "field_name": "sec_409a_inc_15b",
118 "message": "sec_409a_inc_15b not found",
119 "severity": 0
120 },
121 {
122 "field_name": "state_tax_16",
123 "message": "state_tax_16 value empty/bad format",
124 "severity": 0
125 },
126 {
127 "field_name": "state_no_17",
128 "message": "state_no_17 value empty/bad format",
129 "severity": 0
130 },
131 {
132 "field_name": "state_inc",
133 "message": "state_inc value empty/bad format",
134 "severity": 0
135 }
136 ],
137 "confidence": "EXACT_MATCH",
138 "ocr_page_count": 1
139 },
140 "metadata": {}
#Retrieve a payroll document
Retrieves a payroll document object.
- #idstring (uuid)ID of the payroll document object to be retrieved.required
1curl --request GET \
2 --url{id} \
3 --header 'accept: application/json' \
4 --header 'content-type: application/json'
2 "id": "0183b2c1-02e5-a5e5-38f2-ecd51a5cf3d6",
3 "account": "0187c66e-e7e5-811c-b006-2232f00f426a",
4 "document_number": "ced46eb3-7586-3cd7-2418-8eb9482bc3ec",
5 "available_date": "2019-03-14T17:46:25Z",
6 "expiration_date": "2027-03-12T17:46:25Z",
7 "employer": "GigAndGo",
8 "employment": "42d6531c-520a-26b9-35c3-b7137a6d205a",
9 "document_type": "drivers-licence",
10 "document_type_description": "Driver's license",
11 "file_url": "{id}/file",
12 "created_at": "2023-03-13T17:46:28.240Z",
13 "updated_at": "2023-03-13T17:46:28.240Z",
14 "ocr_data": {},
15 "metadata": {}
#List all payroll documents
Returns an array of all payroll document objects.
- #accountstring (uuid)optional
Filter by account ID.
- #userstring (uuid)optional
Filter by user ID.
- #employmentstring (uuid)optional
Filter by employment ID.
- #from_available_datestring (datetime)optional
Filter for payroll documents with an
on or after this timestamp (ISO 8601). - #to_available_datestring (datetime)optional
Filter for payroll documents with an
on or before this timestamp (ISO 8601). - #limitintegeroptional
Number of payroll document objects returned per page. Default: 10. Maximum: 200.
1curl --request GET \
2 --url \
3 --header 'accept: application/json' \
4 --header 'content-type: application/json'
2 {
3 "id": "0186dc02-05b6-b83f-c366-b39a267e1570",
4 "account": "0185a8b8-60eb-80ca-7482-5f24504573f7",
5 "document_number": null,
6 "available_date": "2020-05-13T17:25:59Z",
7 "expiration_date": null,
8 "employer": "Whole Goods",
9 "employment": "0186a27d-e5c6-735a-a359-6315b34d544c",
10 "document_type": "payout-statement",
11 "document_type_description": null,
12 "file_url": "{id}/file",
13 "created_at": "2023-03-13T17:27:01.501Z",
14 "updated_at": "2023-03-13T17:27:01.501Z",
15 "ocr_data": {},
16 "metadata": {}
17 },
18 {
19 "id": "0176dc14-bb37-402a-7be1-f5261759fae7",
20 "account": "0187c66e-e7e5-811c-b006-2232f00f426a",
21 "document_number": "ced46eb3-7586-3cd7-2418-8eb9482bc3ec",
22 "available_date": "2019-03-14T17:46:25Z",
23 "expiration_date": "2027-03-12T17:46:25Z",
24 "employer": "GigAndGo",
25 "employment": "42d6531c-520a-26b9-35c3-b7137a6d205a",
26 "document_type": "drivers-licence",
27 "document_type_description": "Driver's license",
28 "file_url": "{id}/file",
29 "created_at": "2023-03-13T17:46:28.240Z",
30 "updated_at": "2023-03-13T17:46:28.240Z",
31 "ocr_data": {},
32 "metadata": {}
33 }