Data Sets

Standardized payroll data, when every paystub and payroll system is unique.

When a payroll account is connected through Link, all available data and documents are retrieved and processed by Argyle. The information is digitized, standardized, and made accessible through Console or the API, alongside the original downloadable raw document files.



Argyle organizes the data retrieved from payroll platforms into the following categories:

IdentitiesProfile and employment information.First name, last name, full name, birthdate, profile picture, employer, employment status, employment type, job title, hire date, termination date, termination reason…
PaystubsLine by line pay data. The digital equivalent of traditional paystubs.Gross pay, deductions, taxes, net pay, reimbursements, hours worked, base salary, pay frequency…
Payroll DocumentsMetadata and PDF's of documents available on the payroll platform.Document type, download link, document description, W-2 and 1099 OCR data…
Deposit DestinationsWhere and how pay is allocated and received.Bank or card destination type, allocation type, currency…
ShiftsWork shifts and hours spent on individual tasks.Start time, end time, break start, break end...
GigsInformation specific to gig economy employments.Number of tasks performed, income amounts, fees, tips…
VehiclesWork vehicle information.Make, model, VIN number, type, year…
RatingsAchievement and task details for gig employments.Average rating, acceptance rate, on time rate, achievements…

For a full list of available fields, follow the blue category links above.

Field availability#

To see if an individual Item supports certain fields within a particular data set:

Data may not be available for an individual field if either:

  • The payroll account does not support that field. For example, non-gig payroll platforms usually do not have vehicle information.
  • The payroll account has no data for the user that corresponds to that field. For example, if the payroll platform accepts profile photos but the user never uploads a photo, the picture url field of the Identities category will be empty.
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