Credit bureau workflows

Retrieve a user-permissioned employment report from a credit bureau.

Credit bureau workflows is a fail-safe for users whose income details fall outside the scope of Argyle's real-time, continuous data solutions—as well as for businesses specifically requiring legacy credit bureau data sets.

You can deploy credit bureau workflows instead of (or in addition to) document upload & processing. Even better, credit bureau workflows are also fully embedded in Argyle Link making it your one-stop shop for all things VoIE.

Credit bureau workflows are currently available on Web Link only.

User experience#

Argyle allows you to deep link your users to an SSN and DOB entry screen in Argyle Link. You can achieve this by initializing Link with the optional creditBureauFlow parameter set to true. When the user has successfully submitted their information, the details are encrypted and passed to a credit bureau.

Implement credit bureau workflows#

With Argyle's credit bureau workflows you no longer have to develop and maintain an in-house solution. Argyle has taken care of both back- and front-end integration, which you can leverage using your existing credit bureau arrangements and Argyle Link.


Argyle recommends creating a dedicated set of credentials for this integration. Argyle will then encrypt these and your client certificate with Google KMS. Read more about how Argyle handles security and compliance here.


The Argyle API directly passes data retrieved from a credit bureau. This is what the process looks like:

You can also subscribe to the onCreditBureauFormSubmitted(accountId, userId) callback, which is invoked when a user submits the SSN and DOB.

View data returned by a credit bureau#


Retrieve data by calling Argyle's /forms endpoint. When you retrieve forms by account ID, the Argyle API provides the credit bureau data in the optional data object. It includes user input fields ssn, date_of_birth alongside a verification_result object representing data obtained from a credit bureau's API (XML is always converted to JSON).

Forms endpoint JSON response:

2    "id": "018203b4-e504-2f00-9920-660fba29e2d8",
3    "template": "0181fd05-1a37-9537-06e3-339e335c191a",
4    "version": "0",
5    "status": "submitted",
6    "data": {
7        "ssn": "123456789",
8        "date_of_birth": "1987-07-07"
9    "verification_result": {
10            "OFX": {
11        "...VoIE data provided by a credit bureau"
12            }
13        }
14    },
15    "created_at": "2022-07-15T21:12:43.017522Z",
16    "updated_at": "2022-07-15T21:55:24.853085Z"

Sample credit bureau XML payload:

2    "id":"018203b4-e504-2f00-9920-660fba29e2d8",
3    "template":"0181fd05-1a37-9537-06e3-339e335c191a",
4    "version":"0",
5    "status":"in_progress",
6    "data":{
7        "ssn":"999001147",
8        "date_of_birth":"2022-12-31",
9        "verification_result":{
10            "OFX":{
11                "TSVERMSGSRSV1":{
12                    "TSVTWNSELECTTRNRS":{
13                        "STATUS":{
14                            "CODE":0,
15                            "SEVERITY":"INFO"
16                        },
17                        "TRNUID":123456789,
18                        "TRNPURPOSE":{
19                            "CODE":"PPCREDIT",
20                            "MESSAGE":"Consumer's application for credit"
21                        },
22                        "MASTERSRVRTID":984567593775,
23                        "TSVTWNSELECTRS":{
24                            "TSVRESPONSE_V100":[
25                                {
26                                    "DEMOTRN":{
27                                        "DEMOTYPE":"Employer"
28                                    },
29                                    "SRVRTID":984567593776,
30                                    "TSVBASECOMP":{
31                                        "TSVRATEOFPAY":400,
32                                        "TSVAVGHRSWORKED":40,
33                                        "TSVPAYFREQUENCY":{
34                                            "CODE":8,
35                                            "MESSAGE":"Daily"
36                                        },
37                                        "TSVPAYPERIODFREQUENCY":{
38                                            "CODE":7,
39                                            "MESSAGE":"Weekly"
40                                        }
41                                    },
42                                    "COMPLETENESS":"INCOME",
43                                    "DTTRANSACTION":20220727084353,
44                                    "TSVANNUALCOMP":[
45                                        {
46                                            "TSVYEAR":2022,
47                                            "TSVTOTAL":57208.5
48                                        },
49                                        {
50                                            "TSVYEAR":2021,
51                                            "TSVTOTAL":99887.65
52                                        },
53                                        {
54                                            "TSVYEAR":2020,
55                                            "TSVTOTAL":94838.89
56                                        }
57                                    ],
58                                    "TSVPROJINCOME":104000,
59                                    "TSVEMPLOYEE_V100":{
60                                        "SSN":999001147,
61                                        "DTINFO":20220715000000,
62                                        "LASTNAME":"SEA",
63                                        "FIRSTNAME":"Jess",
64                                        "MIDDLENAME":"X",
65                                        "EMPLOYEESTATUS":{
66                                            "CODE":9,
67                                            "MESSAGE":"On Leave"
68                                        },
69                                        "POSITION-TITLE":"DEMO EMPLOYEE",
70                                        "DTENDEMPLOYMENT":"",
71                                        "DTMOSTRECENTHIRE":19990205000000,
72                                        "TOTALLENGTHOFSVC":282
73                                    },
74                                    "TSVEMPLOYER_V100":{
75                                        "NAME1":"Enterprise USA",
76                                        "DISCLAIMER":"employer: Should the employer provide a disclaimer, it will appear here: This is your test VOI 91001 employer disclaimer. Thank you",
77                                        "EMPLOYERCODE":91001,
78                                        "EMPLOYERDISPLAY":{
79                                            "EMPLOYERDISPLAYINFO":{
80                                                "LANGUAGE":"ENG",
81                                                "LOGOFILENAME":"",
82                                                "VOICEFILENAME":""
83                                            }
84                                        },
85                                        "ITEMIZEDDISCLAIMERS":{
86                                            "DISCLAIMERTEXT":"Should the employer provide a disclaimer, it will appear here: This is your test VOI 91001 employer disclaimer. Thank you",
87                                            "DISCLAIMERTYPE":"ER"
88                                        }
89                                    }
90                                },
91                                {
92                                    "DEMOTRN":{
93                                        "DEMOTYPE":""
94                                    },
95                                    "SRVRTID":984567593777,
96                                    "TSVBASECOMP":{
97                                        "TSVRATEOFPAY":15,
98                                        "TSVAVGHRSWORKED":"",
99                                        "TSVPAYFREQUENCY":{
100                                            "CODE":9,
101                                            "MESSAGE":"Hourly"
102                                        },
103                                        "TSVPAYPERIODFREQUENCY":{
104                                            "CODE":6,
105                                            "MESSAGE":"Biweekly"
106                                        }
107                                    },
108                                    "COMPLETENESS":"INCOME",
109                                    "DTTRANSACTION":20220727084353,
110                                    "TSVANNUALCOMP":[
111                                        {
112                                            "TSVYEAR":2022,
113                                            "TSVTOTAL":8175.88
114                                        },
115                                        {
116                                            "TSVYEAR":2021,
117                                            "TSVTOTAL":895.05
118                                        }
119                                    ],
120                                    "TSVPROJINCOME":41447.17,
121                                    "TSVEMPLOYEE_V100":{
122                                        "SSN":999001147,
123                                        "DTINFO":20220408000000,
124                                        "LASTNAME":"Gonzales Benza",
125                                        "FIRSTNAME":"Renato",
126                                        "MIDDLENAME":"",
127                                        "EMPLOYEESTATUS":{
128                                            "CODE":8,
129                                            "MESSAGE":"Inactive"
130                                        },
131                                        "POSITION-TITLE":"Lift Operator",
132                                        "DTENDEMPLOYMENT":20220313000000,
133                                        "DTMOSTRECENTHIRE":20211213000000,
134                                        "TOTALLENGTHOFSVC":3
135                                    },
136                                    "TSVEMPLOYER_V100":{
137                                        "NAME1":"Vail Corporation",
138                                        "DISCLAIMER":"employer:Garnishment requests should be sent to: Vail Resorts, Inc. Attention Payroll 390 Interlocken Crescent Broomfield, CO 80021",
139                                        "EMPLOYERCODE":14760,
140                                        "EMPLOYERDISPLAY":{
141                                            "EMPLOYERDISPLAYINFO":{
142                                                "LANGUAGE":"ENG",
143                                                "LOGOFILENAME":"",
144                                                "VOICEFILENAME":""
145                                            }
146                                        },
147                                        "ITEMIZEDDISCLAIMERS":{
148                                            "DISCLAIMERTEXT":"Garnishment requests should be sent to: Vail Resorts, Inc. Attention Payroll 390 Interlocken Crescent Broomfield, CO 80021",
149                                            "DISCLAIMERTYPE":"ER"
150                                        }
151                                    }
152                                }
153                            ]
154                        },
155                        "SPECIALHANDLING":{
156                            "DEMOHANDLING":"DEMO"
157                        }
158                    }
159                },
160                "SIGNONMSGSRSV1":{
161                    "SONRS":{
162                        "STATUS":{
163                            "CODE":0,
164                            "SEVERITY":"INFO"
165                        },
166                        "DTSERVER":20220727134353,
167                        "LANGUAGE":"ENG"
168                    }
169                }
170            }
171        }
172    },
173    "created_at":"2022-07-15T21:12:43.017522Z",
174    "updated_at":"2022-07-27T13:44:14.041603Z"


You can also use Console to see each user's inputs (SSN, DOB) as well as a credit bureau's response converted from XML to JSON.


To explore the solution in Sandbox you will need to use one of these 5 SSNs (any DOB value is permissible):

  • 999001147
  • 999009066
  • 999478801
  • 999601111
  • 999606666

The Argyle API then responds with synthetic data, which follows the exact same structure as a credit bureau's production data. If any other SSN value is provided in the Sandbox, Argyle returns an error with an “Employee not found in database” message.

Next steps#

For more details, reach out to your respective Customer Success Manager, Account Executive, or [email protected].

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