>  Switch To Link 5 and API v2 Documentation

Connect Sample Payroll Accounts

Learn how to connect sample payroll accounts in Console or programmatically.

You can connect sample payroll accounts using a sandbox version of Argyle Link, the embeddable UI component where your users connect their payroll accounts.

There are two ways to use the sandbox version of Argyle Link to connect sample payroll accounts:

  • Use Flows in Argyle Console, no coding required.
  • Embed a sandbox version of Link directly into your application.

Connect sample accounts in Argyle Console#

To connect sample accounts in Console, follow these steps:

  1. Enable sandbox mode using the toggle at the top of Console's left-hand side panel:

  2. Select Flows in the top navigation panel.

  3. Select Continue on the first screen of Argyle Link, then search for and select an employer or payroll provider.

  4. Log in using the credentials for sample accounts.

To embed a sandbox instance of Argyle Link into your web application, include argyle.web.js on your webpage and initialize it by providing a list of configuration options. You can then invoke the Argyle Link UI element at any time within your application.

See our Embedding Link guides to learn how to embed Link in your Web, Android, iOS, or React Native production applications.


Before embedding Argyle Link, make sure you have your sandbox API keys at hand, available in Console.

Integration examples#

Argyle provides integration examples for Web, Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android), and React Native for the sandbox. To run the examples on your machine:

  1. Copy the snippet you need then paste it into an empty index.html file.
  2. Replace the YOUR_LINK_KEY placeholder with your own Link key, which can be found in the API keys section of Console.
  3. Open the index.html in a web browser. Argyle Link will open a modal window where you can select a payroll provider and connect payroll accounts.

The apiHost configuration parameter in the example code points to https://api-sandbox.argyle.com/v1. This ensures that the plugin starts in a sandbox environment. When integrating with the production API, set the apiHost to https://api.argyle.com/v1.

1<!doctype html>
5    <meta charset="utf-8" />
9    <script src="https://plugin.argyle.com/argyle.web.v3.js"></script>
10    <script type="text/javascript">
11        const argyle = Argyle.create({
12        apiHost: 'https://api-sandbox.argyle.com/v1',
13        linkKey: 'YOUR_LINK_KEY',
14        onAccountCreated: ({ accountId, userId, linkItemId }) => {
15          console.log('Account created: ', accountId, ' User ID:', userId, ' Link Item ID:', linkItemId)
16        }
17      });
18      argyle.open();
19    </script>

Credentials for sample accounts#

When you run Argyle Link in the sandbox environment, you can only connect payroll accounts with the provided sandbox credentials. These credentials work for all Link items. Argyle provides three sets of test credentials:

Verification code808180828083
Phone number(800) 900-0010(800) 900-0020(800) 900-0030
Driver's license #D1230010D1230020D1230030

When logging in as a test user, be sure to enter the appropriate credentials. For example, Walmart requires a username and password, while Uber requires an email and password. For Link items that require SSN numbers, the sandbox environment accepts any 4-digit numerical value.

Select a Link item and connect it using the test credentials. This creates employment data for that test user that you can retrieve.

Note that inactive sandbox accounts are automatically deleted 60 days after creation.

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