>  Switch To Link 5 and API v2 Documentation

Link items

Learn about the /link-items and /search/link-items endpoints.

  • Link items are employers and payroll providers that a user can select in Argyle Link when they are connecting their payroll accounts.
  • The full list of Link items can be found in Argyle Console on the Connections page.

  • #

    Unique ID of the Link item. Link item IDs are usually human-readable, but not always. For human-readable values, you can refer to the name attribute.

  • #
    item_idstring (uuid)

    Unique ID of the Link item. This ID is not human-readable.

  • #
    statusstring (enum)

    Provides information on the health of a particular Link item. The healthy value indicates successful account connections. When Link items are experiencing issues and connections are not successful or partially degraded, the value will be issues. In this case, the status_details field can be used to provide additional information about the Link item's status.

  • #

    The status_details field can be used to provide additional information about a particular Link item's status. When status_details is not filled, the value returned will be null.

  • #

    Name of the Link item—for example, Wellmart, Udre, Gusta.

  • #

    Type of the Link item—for example, delivery, retail, rideshare, services, technology.

  • #
    kindstring (enum)

    Type of the Link item.

  • #

    A URL to the Link item logo. Authentication is required to access this field.

  • #

    Will be true if the Link item is disabled. Link items are disabled if there is an issue with the underlying payroll provider.

  • #

    Will be true if the underlying payroll provider requires two-factor authorization to log in.

  • #
    featuresarray of objects

    Contains information about the direct deposit switching capabilities of a given Link item.

  • #

    Contains information about direct deposit switching: bank account update capabilities for a given Link item.

    Refer to Direct deposit switching for more information.

  • #

    Denotes if the Link item supports direct deposit updates for bank accounts.

    If false, the features fields will not be shown in the API response.

  • #

    Contains information about fields required for a successful direct deposit update.

  • #
    bank_accountlist of strings

    Lists the fields required by a given Link item to successfully update a direct deposit for bank accounts.

  • #

    Denotes the maximum amount of allocations an account can have in the given Link item for bank accounts.

  • #

    Denotes if the Link item allows setting amount allocations for bank accounts—for example, $500 to one bank account and remained to another.

  • #

    Denotes if the Link item allows setting percent allocations for bank accounts—for example, 60% to one bank account and remained to another.

  • #

    Denotes the level of granularity of the amount for bank accounts in your DDS configuration. This way you can define the amount up to the cent level of detail - with 2 decimals.

    Note: null values indicate no precision has been set. Any value can be provided in your DDS configuration, where the default precision is 0.01.

  • #

    Denotes the level of granularity of the percentage for bank accounts in your DDS configuration. This way you can define the percentage of the pay allocation with up to the 4 decimal places.

    Note: null values indicate no precision has been set. Any value can be provided in your DDS configuration, where the default precision is 0.01.

  • #
    action_typeslist of strings

    Lists string enum values that indicate what types of actions are required by the Link item to make any newly added allocations active for bank accounts.

    If no action is required, then an empty list is returned.

    Only possible value: microdeposit_verification

  • #

    Contains information about direct deposit switching: card update capabilities of a given Link item.

  • #

    Denotes if the Link item supports card deposit switching updates. If false, the features fields will not be shown in the API response.

  • #

    Contains information about fields required for a successful direct deposit update.

  • #
    cardlist of strings

    Lists the fields required by a given Link item to successfully update a deposit update for cards.

    Argyle recommends populating every field in the card object when creating a DDS configuration for cards, including the optional fields. Doing so enables compatibility with all payroll providers that support adding cards for payouts.

  • #

    Return Link items with the specified number of maximum allocations allowed.

2  "id": "starbox",
3  "item_id": "0176ba6f-c70b-45a8-bd6e-6d7e13b9bfad",
4  "known_limitations": "Starbox only makes the past 2 years of Payouts data available.",
5  "status": "issues",
6  "status_details": "Following Starbox's acquisition of Starbox, most Starbox services have been switched off as of 2021-07-15. In Link, users who search for Starbox are now asked to connect their Walmart account instead.",
7  "name": "Starbox",
8  "type": "retail",
9  "has_two_fa": false,
10  "is_disabled": false,
11  "kind": "employer",
12  "logo_url": "https://company.com/logo.jpg",
13  "features": {
14    "pay_distribution_update": {
15      "supported": true,
16      "max_allocations": 8,
17      "amount_allocation": true,
18      "percent_allocation": false,
19      "amount_precision": "0.01",
20      "percent_precision": null,
21      "action_types": [],
22      "required_fields": {
23        "bank_account": [
24          "routing_number",
25          "account_number",
26          "account_type"
27        ]
28      }
29    },
30    "pay_distribution_card_update": {
31      "supported": true,
32      "max_allocations": 1,
33      "required_fields": {
34        "card": [
35          "card_number",
36          "card_cvc_cvv",
37          "expiration_year",
38          "expiration_month",
39          "postal_code"
40        ]
41      }
42    }
43  }

#Retrieve a Link item

  • Retrieve a Link item object with the supplied ID.
  • This request returns a Link item object if you provided a valid identifier.
Path parameters
  • #

    The identifier of the Link item to be retrieved. Either id or item_id values can be used.

Example Request
1curl --request GET \
2     --url https://api.argyle.com/v1/link-items/{id} \
3     --header 'accept: application/json' \
4     --header 'content-type: application/json'
Example Response
2  "id": "starbox",
3  "item_id": "0176ba6f-c70b-45a8-bd6e-6d7e13b9bfad",
4  "known_limitations": "Starbox only makes the past 2 years of Payouts data available.",
5  "status": "issues",
6  "status_details": "Following Starbox's acquisition of Starbox, most Starbox services have been switched off as of 2021-07-15. In Link, users who search for Starbox are now asked to connect their Walmart account instead.",
7  "name": "Starbox",
8  "type": "retail",
9  "has_two_fa": false,
10  "is_disabled": false,
11  "kind": "employer",
12  "logo_url": "https://company.com/logo.jpg",
13  "features": {
14    "pay_distribution_update": {
15      "supported": true,
16      "max_allocations": 8,
17      "amount_allocation": true,
18      "percent_allocation": false,
19      "amount_precision": "0.01",
20      "percent_precision": null,
21      "action_types": [],
22      "required_fields": {
23        "bank_account": [
24          "routing_number",
25          "account_number",
26          "account_type"
27        ]
28      }
29    },
30    "pay_distribution_card_update": {
31      "supported": true,
32      "max_allocations": 1,
33      "required_fields": {
34        "card": [
35          "card_number",
36          "card_cvc_cvv",
37          "expiration_year",
38          "expiration_month",
39          "postal_code"
40        ]
41      }
42    }
43  }

#List Link items

  • List all Link items supported by Argyle.
  • This request returns an object with a results property that contains an array of Link item objects.
Query parameters
  • #

    Return only Link items with the provided IDs. Multiple IDs should be separated by commas. Either id or item_id values can be used.

  • #

    Return only Link items with the provided name. Only one name can be provided when you filter by name. To filter multiple Link items, use filtering by ID.

  • #

    The number of Link item objects to be returned. The default is 10. Max value is 200.

  • #

    Denotes if the Link item requests for microdeposit verification.

  • #

    If set to true, the response will contain only Link items that support pay distribution updates.

  • #

    Return only Link items with the specified number of maximum allocations allowed.

  • #

    Return only Link items where the max_allocations field is greater than this value.

  • #

    Return only Link items where the max_allocations field is greater than or equal to this value.

  • #

    Return only Link items where the max_allocations field is less than this value.

  • #

    Return only Link items where the max_allocations field is less than or equal to this value.

  • #

    If set to true, the response will contain only Link items that support percent allocations.

  • #

    If set to true, the response will contain only Link items that support amount allocations.

  • #

    If set to true, the response will only contain Link items that support card pay distribution updates.

  • #

    Return only Link items with the specified number of maximum allocations allowed.

  • #

    Return only Link items where the max_allocations field is greater than this value.

  • #
    kindstring (enum)

    The kind of Link items to be returned. A single value is accepted.

  • #
    kind.not_instring (enum)

    The kinds of Link items to be omitted. A comma-separated list of kinds is accepted.

Example Request
1curl --request GET \
2     --url https://api.argyle.com/v1/link-items?limit=2 \
3     --header 'accept: application/json' \
4     --header 'content-type: application/json'
Example Response
2  {
3    "id": "amazin",
4    "item_id": "017ac309-917e-2418-b1e5-00bac5516c80",
5    "name": "Amazin",
6    "type": "technology",
7    "has_two_fa": false,
8    "is_disabled": false,
9    "kind": "employer",
10    "known_limitations": null,
11    "status": "healthy",
12    "status_details": null,
13    "logo_url": "https://res.cloudinary.com/argyle-media/image/upload/v1598543068/partner-logos/amazin.png",
14    "features": {
15      "pay_distribution_update": {
16        "supported": true,
17        "max_allocations": 4,
18        "amount_allocation": true,
19        "percent_allocation": false,
20        "amount_precision": "0.01",
21        "percent_precision": null,
22        "action_types": [],
23        "required_fields": {
24          "bank_account": [
25            "routing_number",
26            "account_number",
27            "account_type"
28          ]
29        }
30      },
31      "pay_distribution_card_update": {
32        "supported": false
33      }
34    }
35  },
36  {
37    "id": "doorbash",
38    "item_id": "017ac30a-02e3-070e-1e7d-b64b65eeb1c6",
39    "name": "DoorBash",
40    "type": "delivery",
41    "has_two_fa": false,
42    "is_disabled": false,
43    "kind": "gig",
44    "known_limitations": null,
45    "status": "healthy",
46    "status_details": null,
47    "logo_url": "https://res.cloudinary.com/argyle-media/image/upload/v1602075723/partner-logos/doorbash.png",
48    "features": {
49      "pay_distribution_update": {
50        "supported": true,
51        "max_allocations": 1,
52        "amount_allocation": false,
53        "percent_allocation": true,
54        "amount_precision": null,
55        "percent_precision": null,
56        "action_types": [],
57        "required_fields": {
58          "bank_account": [
59            "routing_number",
60            "account_number",
61            "account_type"
62          ]
63        }
64      },
65      "pay_distribution_card_update": {
66        "supported": true,
67        "max_allocations": 1,
68        "required_fields": {
69          "card": [
70            "card_number",
71            "expiration_year",
72            "expiration_month",
73            "card_cvc_cvv"
74          ]
75        }
76      }
77    }
78  }
  • Search for Link items supported by Argyle.
  • This request returns an object with a results property that contains an array of Link item objects.
Query parameters
  • #

    The name of the Link Item to be searched.

  • #
    kindstring (enum)

    The kind of Link items to be returned. A single value is accepted.

  • #
    kind.not_instring (enum)

    The kinds of Link items to be omitted. A comma-separated list of kinds is accepted.

  • #

    The number of Link items to be returned. The default is 15. Max value is 200.

Example Request
1curl --request GET \
2     --url https://api.argyle.com/v1/search/link-items \
3     --header 'accept: application/json' \
4     --header 'content-type: application/json'
Example Response
2  {
3    "id": "amazin",
4    "item_id": "017ac309-917e-2418-b1e5-00bac5516c80",
5    "name": "Amazin",
6    "type": "technology",
7    "has_two_fa": false,
8    "is_disabled": false,
9    "kind": "employer",
10    "known_limitations": null,
11    "status": "healthy",
12    "status_details": null,
13    "logo_url": "https://res.cloudinary.com/argyle-media/image/upload/v1598543068/partner-logos/amazin.png",
14    "features": {
15      "pay_distribution_update": {
16        "supported": true,
17        "max_allocations": 4,
18        "amount_allocation": true,
19        "percent_allocation": false,
20        "amount_precision": "0.01",
21        "percent_precision": null,
22        "action_types": [],
23        "required_fields": {
24          "bank_account": [
25            "routing_number",
26            "account_number",
27            "account_type"
28          ]
29        }
30      },
31      "pay_distribution_card_update": {
32        "supported": false
33      }
34    }
35  },
36  {
37    "id": "gnomedepot",
38    "item_id": "017ac309-9946-86af-ae5c-6076f572815d",
39    "name": "Gnome Depot",
40    "type": "retail",
41    "has_two_fa": false,
42    "is_disabled": false,
43    "kind": "employer",
44    "known_limitations": null,
45    "status": "healthy",
46    "status_details": null,
47    "logo_url": "https://res.cloudinary.com/argyle-media/image/upload/v1585923758/partner-logos/gnomedepot.png",
48    "features": {
49      "pay_distribution_update": {
50        "supported": true,
51        "max_allocations": 4,
52        "amount_allocation": true,
53        "percent_allocation": false,
54        "amount_precision": "0.01",
55        "percent_precision": null,
56        "action_types": [],
57        "required_fields": {
58          "bank_account": [
59            "routing_number",
60            "account_number",
61            "account_type"
62          ]
63        }
64      },
65      "pay_distribution_card_update": {
66        "supported": false
67      }
68    }
69  }
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